

Articles in this section describe how to add a search input and display search results to your website.

  1. Search-Input
  2. Search-Results


The search input can be placed like so:

<div class="search-input-wrapper">
    <h3>People can search here:</h3>
    <?php $searchHtml->input() ?>

The method takes the parameter groupKey which will filter out search entries with only that group.


To display found Search-Entries, you define a result area with SearchHtmlBuilder::resultOpen() and SearchHtmlBuilder::resultClose(). Inbetween SearchHtmlBuilder::resultContent() must be called and at that point, search results will be displayed. SearchHtmlBuilder::resultHeader() can be called to display number of results and a button to close the results.

<?php $searchHtml->resultOpen(null, 'div', array(), '#employees', 'No Employees Found') ?>
    <?php $searchHtml->resultHeader() ?>
    <?php $searchHtml->resultContent() ?>
<?php $searchHtml->resultClose() ?>

For flexibility you can set the number of results and button to close manually using the methods SearchHtmlBuilder::resultCloseButton() and SearchHtmlBuilder::resultNum().

<?php $searchHtml->resultOpen(null, 'div', array(), '#employees', 'No Employees Found') ?>
    <div class="result-header">
        <?php $searchHtml->resultNum ?>
        <?php $searchHtml->resultCloseButton() ?>
    <?php $searchHtml->resultContent() ?>
<?php $searchHtml->resultClose() ?>
If the groupKey Parameter in input and resultOpen is left out, the element will find, respectively display, all Search-Entries.

The second parameter, in this case div, is the HTML-Elements Type, so you can choose what type of HTML-Elment you want to have as a search-result wrapper.
With the forth parameter you can hand javascript a jquery selector of items that you want to hide when found Search-Entries are shown.
The last parameter is the fallback-string, it is shown when no search-results where found.

« Cleaning up Search Entries Search-Input and Search-Results »


